Snow White and the Widow Queen

Regular price $39.99

Snow White and the Widow Queen is an invitation to dive back into a lived experience that is expressed in all of our folk and fairy tales. The Brothers Jacob and Wilhem Grimm did not write down anything "new" when they collected and published their stories in 1812. It was not an analysis or a new spin on some old yarn. Rather, their publications preserved a tradition that related a lived experience through symbols.

This book is a return to a storytelling style — reviving an iconic narrative approach as a way to share that lived experience that our ancestors were sharing in their homes, with their families, and in their communities long before modern times. This book also enhances that renewed story experience with striking illustrations that are invented alongside the narrative in a way that invites us — even implicates us — in the symbolic landscape through details that have always been there — like breadcrumbs — all along.

Pageau and Pollington's retelling honors the simple narrative styles of old, inviting us to remember and rediscover childhood enchantment, and to reawaken our deep heritage of myth and story -- a heritage that still has deep secrets to reveal after all these centuries.

Hardcover. 53 pages with 20 full color illustrations.

Fairy tales are meant to delight, and Snow White is one of the most treasured of that tradition. Now we can be doubly delighted by the reimagining of the legend by a masterful storyteller, Jonathan Pageau. Accompanied by the luminous illustrations of a gifted artist, Heather Pollington, the traditional tale has been transformed into a magical synthesis of word and image. Snow White and the Widow Queen presents a thrilling and mysterious take on the classic, mingling the rudiments of fairy with the greatest myths ever told. This retelling of the beloved fairy tale is sure to please readers of all ages, leaving children and adults spellbound.

- Robert Jackson, Executive Director, Great Hearts Institute