Snow White and the Widow Queen

Animated Audiobook

Regular price $9.99

Snow White and the Widow Queen is an invitation to dive back into a lived experience that is expressed in all of our folk and fairy tales. The Brothers Jacob and Wilhem Grimm did not write down anything "new" when they collected and published their stories in 1812. It was not an analysis or a new spin on some old yarn. Rather, their publications preserved a tradition that related a lived experience through symbols.

Pageau and Pollington's retelling honors the simple narrative styles of old, inviting us to remember and rediscover childhood enchantment, and to reawaken our deep heritage of myth and story -- a heritage that still has deep secrets to reveal after all these centuries.

Narrated by Frederica Matthews-Green, this enhanced audiobook experience animates Heather Pollington's beautiful illustrations and will be a delight to young and old alike.

Video preview in thumbnails.